Instagram: vangschichen
Take the Skies to Travel 6’10’’
Collaborate with Zening Fan
Artists are creating artworks and, simultaneously, they will be shaped by their artworks too.
We question the present, in order to find out how society shapes us, trying to answer the fundamental question: Who are we? As artists, we look at this complex word behind a crystal glass shield. What we learn and what we see has been filtered unless we go out to observe by ourselves. Therefore, we decided to exchange our position, imposing ourselves into different sites in Baltimore, to look back to the things we treasure and the life we have now, which is captured in the common framework if the painted blue skies. The idealized blue skies are about the missing home which is an emotion we cannot resist. Looking at the blue skies in different locations in Baltimore is an effort to understand this place deeply and, at the same time, an action to say goodbye. As international students, we have to leave in the end and will keep traveling from place to place. No matter where we are or where we go, there are always clouds – literal and figurative – passing by.
Take the Sky to travel is a time-based video piece that includes multiple videos. Through the window of Baltimore, we have started to know the US and this society. Related to China where we come from, we had a deeper understanding about reality. This project shows our understandings and observations of the society we live in.
王偲丞:带着天空去远行 6’10’’
我们用创作本身去向这个社会提问,去问“我是谁”这个单纯的问题, 从而得知社会如何塑造我们。作为艺术家的我曾经止步于舒适的窗户后面去观察这个复杂的世界。这种舒适感阻碍了真实,除非主动走向真实不然难以打破。因此我们决定置换我们作为观者的位置,强制将自身放置于美国城市巴尔的摩的不同场所中, 于此同时反观我们过去珍视的生活。绘制了蓝天象征着理想化的生活和对家乡无法抑制的思念。在巴尔的摩不同的角落望向“蓝天”这一行为是试图在进一步理解这个社会,以及对即将到来的离别告别。作为留学生,我们的离开是注定的,漂泊成为一代人的宿命。不论我们去到哪里,天上总会有相似的云飘过。
_ Responds to Feb. 24th Morning 2022
_ Virtual Immunization Project 2021
video, music, 3D animation, VR, game
_ 2020 Fall, Threat 2020
video, music
_ Spring to Summer in NYC 2020
_ Quarantine Diary 日记 2020
_Memory Device2020
video, 3D animation, VR interactive
_Take the skies to travel, 2019
multichannel videos
_East Lake, 2019-2018
_Time is a river with no banks, 2018
installation, video
_Sunset of Baltimore, 2018-2017
paintings, installation, digital paintings, video
_Breaking down space, 2017-2016
paintings, installations